Welcome to Fahim's Project Site

interactive photo gallery

Interactive Photo Gallery

Built an interactive searchable photo Gallery using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

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registration form

Onlline Registration Form

Built a responsive registration newletter signup form using HTML and CSS

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web style guide

Style Guide

Built a Style Guide that can be used in any layout for any projects using HTML and CSS

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game app

Game Show App

Used JavaScript to create a random phrase game that anyone can play

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webapp dashboard

Web App Dashboard

Build an interactive dashboard for a web application using advanced web techniques including SVG graphics and JavaScript programming

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employee directory

An Employee Directory Using API

Used JavaScript to create an employee directory by communicating with a third-party API

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website using bootstrap

Website using Bootstrap

Used Bootsrap to build a responsive, mobile friendly website

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portfolio static website

Responsive online profile

Built a responsive online profile using HTML and CSS

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